International Convention against Doping in Sport
The International Convention against Doping in Sport is a multilateral UNESCO treaty by which states agree to adopt national measures to prevent and eliminate doping in sport.
States that agree to the Convention align their domestic rules with the World Anti-Doping Code, which is promulgated by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This includes facilitating doping controls and supporting national testing programs; encouraging the establishment of "best practice" in the labelling, marketing, and distribution of products that might contain prohibited substances; withholding financial support from those who engage in or support doping; taking measures against manufacturing and trafficking; encouraging the establishment of codes of conduct for professions relating to sport and anti-doping; and funding education and research on drugs in sport.
UNESCO’s mission is to ensure the mainstreaming of values and a rights-based approach that ensure a clean, honest and equitable environment through a three-dimensional strategy:
- International cooperation: UNESCO is actively involved in international efforts to protect ethics, integrity and values while combating doping in sport, specifically through the implementation of the International Convention against Doping in Sport.
- Education: UNESCO develops anti-doping education and prevention programs fostering fundamental sport values and informing young people of moral, legal and health consequences of doping.
- Capacity-building: UNESCO assists governments to develop national anti-doping programs and provides advice on the implementation of the Convention. It also supports research efforts to expand the evidence base feeding into anti-doping policies, particularly in the areas of trafficking, nutritional supplements and health consequences of doping.
The Convention helps to harmonize anti-doping legislation, guidelines, regulations, and rules internationally in order to provide a fair and equitable playing environment for all athletes.
International Convention against Doping in Sport - UNESCO Digital Library
All five West Asia RADO member countries ratified the convention, with the last country joining in 2020.
Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport
Established in 2008, the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport assists States Parties to the International Convention against Doping in Sport to develop and implement anti-doping projects.
Providing practical and technical support, the Fund has three priorities:
- education projects focusing on youth and sport organizations,
- policy advice, and
- mentoring and capacity-building.
Since 2008, financial assistance has been provided to 218 national and regional projects(link is external) all over the world, translating into more than $4.2 million of investment in 108 countries.
Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport: handbook - UNESCO Digital Library
Our host country Jordan was granted funds three times for Education projects. In 2011 the project was targeting school teachers and students, in 2014 the project targeted the National Federations in Jordan with three main groups: Athletes, Coaches, and Administration. While the last funded project was in 2015 targeting University students for values based and ethics education to prevent doping.